For Moms

Motherhood is an invitation to become the most authentic version of yourself.

Motherhood is a profound initiation that leads to a complete metamorphosis.

Before we can transform, motherhood takes us on a journey of self-exploration. It asks us to look at our belief systems, programming and the parts of ourselves that need healing. It pushes us to our limits in order to expand us. 

It strips away what isn’t authentic and reveals our true essence.

My passion lies in guiding women through the transformative journey of motherhood. I help mothers shed limiting beliefs, heal from the past and anchor into their true essence, so that they can access greater joy and purpose - in motherhood and beyond.


While much of motherhood is focused on attuning to the needs of others, I believe mothers deserve time and space devoted to their own personal growth and evolution. 

I offer two opportunities to help mothers reconnect to self, form sacred bonds with other moms and navigate motherhood with intention, self-compassion and support:

The Expanded Motherhood Mentorship

A 1:1 sacred container where we work together to connect to your true essence, heal from the past, and define your vision for an aligned, joyful and purposeful life.

We meet weekly or bi-weekly for 12 sessions. Open to women at any stage of motherhood from preconception to seasoned mama. 

Mothers Circles

A group opportunity for moms at any stage of motherhood who want to form a modern-day village. In these circles, I lead participants through meditation and provocative discussions about motherhood, identity, childhood wounds and career to help women deepen their self-understanding and make meaningful changes, so they can live more fully and authentically.

Circles meet bi-weekly for 8 sessions. Open to expecting and current moms with children of any age.