My Story

“At the center of your being, you have the answer; you know who you are and what you want.”

- Lao Tzu

My Search For Purpose And Meaning

In 2017, I left my corporate tech job in search of my true purpose. I was still exploring when I became pregnant with my son. In spite of my excitement to be a mom, I feared motherhood would get in the way of finding my purpose.

In 2020, while pregnant with my daughter and still transforming from maiden to mother, my family faced a highly traumatic, life-altering event that we were forced to navigate in isolation due to the lockdown orders. 

The next 18 months were filled with uncertainty, fear and a thirst to find the meaning in it all.

Shortly after my daughter’s first birthday, we emerged from that crisis but I was still recovering from living in a prolonged state of fight or flight. I had been in therapy but I began seeking out other modalities to heal and make sense of it all.

I developed a meditation practice and turned to astrology for guidance.

In the subsequent year, I suffered two miscarriages. The second one became a catalyzing event, sparking my spiritual awakening and sending me on an intensive healing journey.

My Awakening

For much of my life, I lived according to a belief system that was not my own. 

I muffled my voice. 

I turned away from my true passions in favor of a path that is socially acceptable and revered. 

I sought permission and approval from others. 

I abandoned myself.

My Realization

Before I could move forward, I had to detach from the conditioning that had defined my past and heal my inner child. I discovered intuitive healing and breathwork - two modalities that facilitated this healing.

Once I shed the programming and processed the trauma, my intuition came back online. I clicked back into my true essence and gained clarity about my purpose.

I wanted to help others heal and align with their true essence.

MY Breakthrough
The Alchemy

Using my voice is an essential part of my healing and purpose. In 2023, I launched the How I Met Myself podcast, sharing lessons from my own journey to purpose as well as wisdom from healers and spiritual teachers about related topics. 

I knew I also wanted to work more intimately with people, so I went on to learn two modalities: Intuitive Healing and David Elliott’s lineage of breathwork. Now I am bringing these methods to clients in my mentorship program and individual healing sessions.

Motherhood has been an essential part of my journey.  While it amplified the pain and grief I was feeling, it also lit a fire under me to heal and alchemize my trauma into something for the greater good of my children, my lineage and all. 

Although I didn’t see it this way initially, motherhood has become a great expander for me. It has helped me uncover parts of myself I didn’t know existed and connect more to my purpose.

My Journey Into Motherhood

Today, all of my work centers around a single mission: to help you connect to your innate worth and anchor into your true essence.

Living my truth has opened me to a completely different existence that is filled with new opportunities, greater purpose and more joy. 

I believe everyone has the power to live in this way. I simply act as a guide to facilitate healing and help you access the wisdom held within.

My Mission

Jessica lives in Los Angeles with her husband, James, and three kids, Mason, Scarlett and Wesley.